Engaia zaitez
Interested in KStars? Found KStars useful? Come by our mailing list and share your suggestions, and tell us what you liked / what you did not like. Any feedback and help will be appreciated.
If you know how to program, you're welcome to join our developer team! Get started by building KStars from source. The community wiki also provides resource about setting up your development environment. Most developer discussion happens on our mailing list or issue tracker, so if you need help, that's a good place to ask. KStars is written in C++ using Qt and KDE libraries.
If you are an astronomy enthusiast, there is our AstroInfo project.
Some pointers to get started
- Join our mailing list;
- Hang out on our KStars Web Chat channel;
- Details on building KStars git master are here;
- Some junior and not-so-junior jobs here!
- Git repository — hosts the latest code of KStars
- KStars API — KStars API documentation
- GSoC Guide — Google Summer of Code guide for new prospective students.
Ez zara programatzailea?
Arazorik ez! Programatzeko lengoaiarik ezagutzen ez baduzu KStars hobetzen lagunduko diguten beste zeregin asko daude!
- Akatsak sailkatzea — lagun iezaguzu ondo bete gabeko, bikoiztutako edo balio ez duten akats txostenak aurkitzen
- Lokalizazioa — lagundu KStarszure hizkuntzara itzultzen
- Dokumentazioa — lagun iezaguzu erabiltzaileentzako dokumentazioa hobetzen, KStars iritsi berrientzako lagunkoiagoa izan dakien
- Sustatzea — lagun iezaguzu KStars lerroan eta lerroz kanpo sustatzen
- Wikia eguneratzen — lagundu wikiko informazioa eguneratzen, tutoretza berriak gehitzen... — besteei elkartzea errazteko!
- Beste ezer bururatu zaizu? Jar zaitez harremanean!